Downloadable Content

A compilation of downloadable resources designed to make your life as a teacher or a student a little easier. Clicking on a free resource will immediatley begin the download.



I. Colloquia – Latin dialogues written to help you improve your Latin and your teaching skills.

II.Phrases and Proverbs – Collections of Latin phrases, proverbs, and idioms

III. Interesting Facts about the Ancient World

IV. Ancient Roman Calandars downloadable wallpapers for keeping track of the Roman date.

V. Verb Sheet – A brief list of some of the most common verbs organized roughly by frequency.

For Teachers


Latin dialogues written to help you improve your Latin and your teaching skills.

Phrases and Proverbs

A collection of Latin phrases, idioms, and proverbs. Studying phrases and proverbs is an excellent way to get a feel for the way the Romans expressed themselves. We’ve got a post about how useful they can be here. I frequently assign three or four of these a week for students of all levels to memorize. Just like the trivia questions, enjoy the first twenty five on the house.

Interesting Facts about the Ancient World

A great resource for dispelling classroom monotony. Challenge your students’ knowledge of the ancient world. Most questions are designed in such a way that one could guess the answer. In my experience, students of all ages love these kinds of things, and it is a great way to teach them a little bit more about the ancient world.

A lot of care and attention were put into collecting these interesting tidbits, and we offer the first 25 for free. The main source of the information was Erasmus’ Adagia, but each fact has a cited work. All works referenced are at the bottom of the sheet if you are interested in following up on anything.


Ancient Roman Calandar

Simple downloadable wallpapers for keeping track of the Roman date.

Verb Sheet

A brief list of some of the most common verbs, organized roughly by frequency.

Image Credit: See page for author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Table of Contents

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