Certamen Scribendi (July 6th) Winner +
New Prompt
Last week, participants were asked to render the following line from the opening of Cicero’s famous Catilanarian speech into dactyllic hexameter:
Quo usque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra? quam diu etiam furor iste tuus nos eludet? quem ad finem sese effrenata iactabit audacia?
A fun project, I hope, for those who participated.
Congratulations to GERARDUS, who submitted these skillfully written lines:
Quo tete usque feret, Sergi, patientia nostra?
Quam furor iste diu tuus et nos ludere perget?
Quando effrena sinet iactare audacia sese?
Gerardus managed to not only maintain the sense of the passage, but also kept it to three tightly wound lines of poetry. Very well done.
New Prompt
Write a witty two line epigram (elegaic couplet) on a subject matter of your choosing.
Submissions will be judged on the following:
1) Adherence to the prompt. i.e. is the composition an elegaic couplet?
2) Classical Latinity – You will lose points for any neoteric constructions.
3) Style i.e. is the meter well written and unforced?
4) Creativity – how witty/interesting is the poem?
Submissions are DUE by WEDNESDAY JULY 12th. Good luck!