Certamen Scribendi (AUG. 24) Winner +
New Prompt
Because of the influx of new and exciting projects we have been working on here, we will be setting the certamen to recur once a month.
Last week, competitors were asked to translate the following nursery rhyme into Latin:
Congratulations to Andrew Williams once again for a very nifty and clever hendecasyllabic rendition:
amissis ovibus Chloe indigetque
ignoratque ubi possit invenire
si tantummodo forte negligentur,
caudam quaeque trahens domum redibit.
He is practically another Martial! I was curious how the competitors would handle the name “Bo-Peep” and enjoyed Andrew’s choice of “Chloe”.
New Prompt
Compose a brief persuasive epistle in the person of Patroclus convincing Achilles to let go of his anger and to defend his friends.
The epistle will be assesed by its
1) Adherence to the prompt. i.e. is the composition a persuasive epistle
2) Classical Latinity – You will lose points for any neoteric constructions.
3) Style i.e. are the sentences well structured. Is it in verse?
4) Creativity – how witty/interesting is the composition. Does it sound like something Patroclus would have written?
I have decided to give one whole month to this prompt, so submissions are DUE by WEDNESDAY September 27th. Good luck!